All posts by Rob Fahrni

About Rob Fahrni

Rob is a husband, father, grandfather, and software developer. He started his career writing DOS based accounting software in BASIC, worked on Visio for 10-years, written a lot of C++/Win32 code, and now spends his time developing iOS Applications.

Stream 1.4

We’re happy to announce version 1.4 of Stream for iOS!

This release includes the following:

1) 🚀 New Feature: Displays read/unread status of a post
2) 🐛 Bug Fix: On occasion certain feeds wouldn’t update

We hope you enjoy the new feature. It was high on the list of requests.

Never heard of Stream? Read on!

Easy to Discover Feeds

If you’d like to help feed readers like Stream auto discover your RSS feed you can do it by including a very simple line of HTML in the <head> element of your web page.

Here’s what it looks like for Scripting News the weblog of the man who created RSS, Dave Winer.

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="">

That’s it, that’s all it takes! Stream can now look through your home webpage, or blog main page, and ask for this element. Once it discovers it it will go right to that spot and allow you to subscribe.

Just like magic! 🪄

Stream 1.3

I’m happy to announce a new Stream release. Version 1.3 is a minor release with one new feature and two bug fixes.

New Feature 💫

When you go to Settings you’ll notice a new section called CACHE. This feature allows you to set the number of days to maintain Feed Items in the timeline. It’s a sliding scale between 1 and 30. The original release of Stream, and every version since, has used a hard code value of 30. Now you can control how long you hold onto feed items.

Thanks to Steven Vore for the feature suggestion.

Bug Fixes 🐞

  • Timeline list items with long titles could force the date to display off the screen. Thank you Iryna for your layout mastery and support.
  • Images in the Article view that were small than the width of the screen were blown up to fill the screen. Thank you Ashur for your HTML and CSS mastery and your continued support.

I hope you enjoy this release and find Stream a valuable part of your Feed Reading workflow. 🧡

Stream version 1.2.1

This release of Stream fixes a couple bugs.

1. Fixed layout issue with progress indicator so it’s properly centered. (Thanks, Marc!)

2. Fixed a bug that could cause the progress indicator to remain on the screen while importing feeds when a network failure occurred.

Go get it in the App Store!

Tip: How to backup your Stream feeds

After you’ve created your perfect set of feeds you may want to do a backup so you don’t lose it. But how?

It’s easier than you might think. Here’s how.

  1. Select the Setting icon in the upper left corner of the title bar
  2. Select Export Subscriptions
  3. Choose the location to save your subscription OPML file
  4. Tap the Save button

That’s it. You now have a backup copy of your subscriptions.

If you have iCloud storage, Dropbox, or one of many other cloud storage providers with a Files extension you can backup to any of them. That way you have a copy in the mystical cloud so you don’t lose it if something catastrophic happens to your device.

Happy Stream’ing.

Stream 1.1

This release includes two upgrades to existing features and one bug fix.

? The first, and biggest, upgrade is the reading experience in the Article view. Various text and paragraph formatting styles are now supported.

? The second upgrade is displaying linked items inside the application instead of opening Safari. Small, but it does make for a better experience.

? The one bug fix was something I wanted to fix for quite a while. Certain feeds – like Medium – did not include their content in a way Stream knew how to parse them. That bug has finally been sent packing.

Sorry for the bug ?

So, we’ve had a little problem with version 1.0.1. ?

When you go to leave a tip you’re not going to see any tip amounts to choose from. ??‍♂️

Version 1.0.2 has been submitted to Apple for review. With any luck it’ll pass review and the tip amounts will magically appear. ???

Stream 1.0.1

Nothing major to share. Version 1.0.1 completes the Tip Jar we intended to ship in 1.0.

Why a Tip Jar?

Well, a one time price isn’t sustainable in the long run, even for a one person shop. And subscription fatigue is a thing.

If you’re interested in leaving a tip you can to to settings, scroll to the bottom, tap on Tip Jar, and pick an amount you’d like to tip.

Do I have to leave you a tip to open up features? Nope. Stream will work the same for everyone.
