Category Archives: Charity

Relief for Haiti, update

Aid!Good morning! It looks like yesterday’s Indie+Relief effort was a huge success! Even though we blew it and didn’t get in on the official program we decided to do what we could. We’re sending $50.00 to Doctors without Borders in the name of our users. We’d like to extend our whole hearted thanks to everyone that participated in the various efforts around the Mac Indie scene yesterday.

We’re very small, and the dollar amount we’re sending seems small, but every little bit helps.


Relief for Haiti

The Mac and iPhone Indie community have put together a relief effort for Haiti called Indie+Relief, brought to you by Second Gear Software and Garrett Murray. Apple Core Labs tried to participate but we were just too late due to an overwhelming response, and our lateness to join the effort. Fear not! We’re going to join the effort, just not through Indie Relief.

What does that mean?

Quite simply this. Apple Core Labs will donate all proceeds from sales of RxCalc on January 20, 2010 to Doctors Without Borders to help the people of Haiti.

If you’ve ever considered purchasing RxCalc now would be a great time to give it a try and in the process you’ll help people in need.

Also, while you’re here, take a look at all the great software being offered by Indie Relief, and pick something else up to help fight the good fight!

Thank You.