Tag Archives: Bad

Another Bad Review

We’re a bit bummed at the moment, we must admit. We haven’t checked the App Store for RxCalc reviews in quit a while, so we decided today would be the day. It was not encouraging.

In part the reviewer “found it less than useless.” Ouch. That statement really cuts to our heart. We want RxCalc to be your “go to” Pharmacokinetics calculator, we really do. We believe it to be accurate.

What do you do when you get a review like this? In our case, nothing. The reviewer didn’t contact us. We can’t fix what he, or she, sees as a problem because we don’t know what that problem is.

So, TXRph, if you see this, please contact us at support@applecorelabs.com, and tell us what’s wrong. If you can, please provide us with your calculations and what you expect them to be. We really want to get this stuff right. We have a PharmD on staff that verifies the calculations by exercising our algorithms, of which there are many different methods. Could it be your teaching lead you to expect a different set of numbers? Maybe, maybe not. If you see this, please, let us know how we can fix it.

There are thousands of users of RxCalc out there. We rarely get ratings from our users. It seems that we only hear from users that have a bad experience.

Take that how you will. We’d love to hear from you, good or bad.